Did you know that Audi is owned by Volkswagen? In the mid-60’s, Volkswagen re-launched the Audi brand. Prior to that, it’d been part of a four company merger dating back to 1932, which linked Audi to Horch, DKW and Wanderer manufacturers which, together, formed the Auto Union – hence the four rings in the Audi logo.
Owners of Volkswagen’s and Audi’s can often utilize the same car repair chops and car repair services; different foreign car auto repair garages tend to lump brands together, and the hidden link between Volkswagen and Audi is a perfect example of why. Folks looking for answers to the question “Where Can I Service My Audi?” should keep their eyes peeled for the Volkswagen symbol as well.
Certain auto maintenance tips are well known, such as the unwritten rule that your oil should be changed every 3,000 miles to ensure the best, most reliable performance as well as reducing your carbon footprint/lowering emissions. Another might be that new shocks or struts ought to be applied every 70,000 to 80,000 miles. But foreign car repair can be tricky, and it’s best to leave the specifics of caring for your Audi service to knowledgeable mechanics at a garage that specializes in Audi and Volkswagen service. Additionally, as a measure of their high manufacturing quality Volkswagen’s and Audi’s have custom parts and special maintenance requirements that only an authorized garage will be able to help you with under your warranty.
Choices are vast – there are over 87,000 auto repair operations running in the United States. Look for the Volkswagen symbol and you’re likely to find a garage that can work on your Audi, and vice-versa. If you’re going to be driving any distances, it can be an effective, preventative measure if you locate a garage or two along the way that has knowledge of your manufacturer – for instance, if road-tripping from Pittsburgh, PA. to Louisville, KY., you might want to find a garage in Columbus or Cincinnati, OH. just in case you hit trouble on your way. Always having the answer to “Where Can I Service My Audi?” will save you time consuming hassles throughout the life of your car.