Spring is upon us and as the trees clutter themselves with new leaves and flowers, we do the opposite by shedding clutter. Sometimes it is easy to part with items, other times we employ the garage or self storage units so that we can hold onto things just a little longer. Below are storage unit tips and general advice for your spring clean.
Store at home first.
Reach into the depths of your closets to see whats clogging them up before you decide to outsource storage space. There is about 21 square feet of storage space in each home in the United States. Can you fit your extra items in that 21 square feed? You should certainly try to. Many people keep boxes for appliances that they’ve owned for years. Think about how long you actually need those items and get rid of what you don’t need. That way, you can really maximize your in-home space.
Choose storage units wisely.
Between 1995 and 2012, the number of families who use storage units has grown by about 65%. In-home car storage such as a garage is is usually the first place the storage spills in to. However, when car storage units like garages are full for winter car storage, many people go searching for the right storage facility. There are a few factors to keep in mind. Is the storage space clean? Is it open 24 hours? Is it secure? Among the most important storage unit tips is to insure your items in storage. Check your home owners or rental insurance policy to ensure that your things are covered.
Getting organized is as easy as finding the best storage method that works for you. Keep items that you use at least monthly in plain reach. All other items should be stored away in either in-home storage spaces such as a garage or closet or other storages spaces such a rented units.