Most people love a fancy hot rod car, and why not? They’re gorgeous cars that grab the attention of anyone who sees them. However, due to the costs involved, not everyone can afford to buy the car of their dreams, so instead many turn to a high quality replica car known as a kit car in order to get their dream car. A replica car kit can be either a shell that is placed over an existing frame, or it can be a complete car. One of the more popular options is the Cobra car kit, based on Shelby’s original AC Cobras, which were designed to be “Corvette-Beaters.” You can find a Cobra kit car for sale in many places, but before you buy one, here are some things to know about kit cars.
- Kit Cars Cost Less: One of the biggest advantages to buying kit cars to build is that they cost far less than the actual car. For example, according to It Still Runs, the average cost of a kit car in 2009 was only $12,000, a very affordable sum considering a genuine Shelby Cobra costs a whole lot more.
- Kit Cars Are Assembled at Home: Another thing to know if you buy a Cobra kit car for sale, is that kit cars are typically assembled at home. The kit car is literally assembled from the ground up, one screw or bolt at a time. If you want to drive your dream car quickly, than a kit car might not be for you, since they can take up to one or more years to completely assemble (though it can take less time if you have a team of people working on the assembly). However, many car enthusiasts consider the wait to be worth it.
- A Popular Choice of Kit Car is the Cobra: And finally, as mentioned before, one of the most popular choices for a kit car is the Shelby Cobra. You can buy a Cobra kit car for sale on the Internet, and assemble it in such a way that the frame fits over an existing engine. However, it won’t be an exact replica, since kit cars are built with a lighter body shell.
In conclusion, there are several things you should know about kit cars. These include the fact that kit cars cost less, they’re typically assembled at home, and a popular choice for kit cars is the Shelby Cobra. If you’re a car enthusiast, keep these facts in mind when you’re looking at kit cars for sale.