Transportation convenience looks a little bit different for everyone.
For a student with a used car they might be more concerned about a good parking spot than anything else. For an older individual relying on bus transportation they might be worried about customer service. Every little detail you put into your business will go a long way in making your consumer base feel like they matter. Today there’s a lot of much-needed conversation on transportation convenience and what it means. If you’re feeling behind, the list below will help immensely with catching you up.
From 100 percent electric vehicle platforms to ADA wheelchair ramps, there’s a lot of good you can do with just a few simple installations.
Americans With Disabilities Need To Be Accommodated
The ADA Act was passed in 1990, stipulating that businesses and establishments alike need to do their part to make sure everyone is accommodated no matter what. This means both physical and mental wellness need to be taken into account when installing anything new. Between 2017 and 2018 nearly 50% of fleets reported the ridership of people with special needs increased exponentially. It’s estimated nearly 25% of fleet buses transport students with special needs. What are you doing to make sure each and every visitor feels welcome?
Electric Vehicles Are Slowly, But Surely Becoming More Common
You’ve probably seen more than a few electric cars driving around. While they haven’t quite replaced gas and diesel, they’re becoming common enough to need more consideration when it comes to your business installations. 100 percent electric vehicle platforms are a huge plus in the eyes of some of your customers, so much so they could choose you over your competitor based on that alone. Couple this with electric mobility vans? You could have an installation that goes both ways.
Older Drivers Are In Need Of More Options
Did you know older drivers are twice as likely to experience a medical problem that results in difficulty traveling? This ranges from high blood pressure to trouble seeing straight. According to recent studies one out of every six drivers are over the age of 65 — older drivers between the age of 70 and 75 are also more likely to be involved in fatal crashes. Alongside 100 percent electric vehicle platforms your regular bus maintenance and accessibility additions will help this demographic gravitate to your business. It doesn’t even end there.
Limo Buses Are A Flexible Option For Just About Everybody
Every little addition you make opens up more and more doors. A limo bus for sale can appeal easily to the older demographic as well as families and traveling groups. Back in 2017 it was determined 195,000 motor vehicles were registered as private carriers, with another 50,000 registered as both private carriers and for-hire carriers. Limo buses are large, spacious, and able to be outfitted with several useful amenities. This makes them an attractive option across several demographics, easily.
Electric Options And Accessibility Will Make You Stand Out
You communicate a lot to your customers…even when you don’t realize it. A lack of 100 percent electric vehicle platforms tells your visitors with electric cars they’re not at the top of your list. Failing to provide wheelchair accessible ramps to your limo buses will make it seem like you don’t care about your elderly and disabled patronage. Likewise, a little proactive effort will spell nothing but success for you down the road. There are over 975,000 buses in the United States as we know it, but only some are staying ahead of the curve.
Make transportation convenient for everyone. See what a 100 percent electric vehicle platform or wheelchair ramp can do to open doors.