Month: March 2019

Used Dodge Cars and Trucks for Sale Locate Your Favorite Make and Model at a Dealership Near You

On a global basis, car sales exceeded 79 million during 2017. In the United States, there were 16,802 franchised dealers that sold 17.14 million new vehicles. By the close of 2018, more than 81 million cars were expected to be produced to meet this growing demand. While many consumers want to purchase new vehicles, others…

Electric Cars Are Becoming More Common Is Your Business Accommodating The New Influx?

Transportation convenience looks a little bit different for everyone. For a student with a used car they might be more concerned about a good parking spot than anything else. For an older individual relying on bus transportation they might be worried about customer service. Every little detail you put into your business will go a…

Just A Little Idling Can Cost Your Business Money And Harm The Environment GPS Fleet Tracking Software

It pays to keep better track of things. Why do you think people who are more organized tend to fare better than those who are constantly scattered? It’s a fundamental logic of life and something you can take advantage of even when you’re outfitting your truck or trailer for another trip. GPS trailer tracking is…

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