What is your favorite way to travel? Do you enjoy the leisurely pace of car trips? Do you enjoy the speed of air travel? Many people with a little more time on their hands, realize that they love the opportunity to travel by bus. Whether you are an adult sponsor on a church or school bus trip, or you are traveling with your partner across the country, bus travel provides an affordable, leisurely, and effortless way to move about the entire country, or your entire city. Local bus services can take the pain out of parking and high gas prices, while charter bus seating is especially roomy and comfortable, and affordable at the same time.
Local bus services are not only convenient for the individual passenger, they also benefit the world we live in. Instead of individually driving to a downtown work location, environmentally friendly passengers travel by bus for convenience and to reduce their carbon footprint. While large cities throughout the country have had local bus service taking workers to and from home, work, and play for many years, even smaller cities are realizing the benefits of local bus services. In Omaha, Nebraska, for example, city bus riders are demanding more and more bus stops further from the downtown area. Ride sharing, which once was a popular option, is now a secondary choice for many Midwesterners who have embraced city bus travel.
Bus charters are also an affordable and reliable option for long distance travel. While bus travelers have the opportunity to let someone else do the driving, they too are making an environmentally friendly transportation choice. In fact, motorcoaches provide 206.6 passenger miles per gallon of fuel. Single-occupant automobiles, however, only achieve 27.2 passenger miles per gallon. The most recent studies show that motorcoaches are up to three times more efficient in reducing CO2 output when they are compared to commuter rail. The benefits of bus travel extend to both the passenger and the environment so why would you continue to travel any other way when you have this option?
According to research by the American Bus Association, U.S. passenger bus travel increased by 7.5% between the year 2011 and the year 2012. This makes bus travel the fastest growing form of transportation in the country. HAve you considered it? Rather than clog the streets and highways of your city with your single occupancy car, why not research the local bus services available to you? The ease of bus travel for both long and short trips may make you reconsider your travel options.