The warehousing and retail businesses are rapidly growing. Technology has allowed consumers to purchase needed and desired items on the internet with great convenience. This new form of shopping has increased the demand for storage warehouses. When a consumer orders an item, the list is sent to the warehouse. The warehouse employees then physically select the items, package them for shipping, and send them to the consumer. With such a high demand for this process, we are also likely to see many technological improvements in the warehouse design.
Faster selection speeds
Consumers turn to online shopping for convenience and speed. They no longer have to visit numerous storefronts, looking for the perfect item. However, they do have to wait for the item to be shipped. Many businesses currently compete with speed of delivery. To be successful in the internet retail business, a supplier needs the ability of rapid delivery. This means also increasing the speed of the selection process. AGVs are a newer automated selecting tool.
AGVs often employ automatic opportunity battery charging stations throughout the path so vehicles need not be removed from service. In some cases, a special area is setup for the vehicles to use when parking that can also serve as charging positions. In most cases, a 2 minute charge will provide 20 to 30 minutes of capacity. The biggest benefit of AGvs, however, are the increased speed in the warehouse selection process.
The removal of human error
Humans always carry the possibility of error. Each human?s brain works differently and because of this, a simple error can occur that prevents an order from being filled properly. Computer programs and systems, however, are built on algorithms and specific programs that prevent the possibility of any human error. AGVs are popular for this exact reason. AGV is the most automated modern logistics equipment. Driven by industrial automation, global new demands for AGV were roughly 16,000 units in 2015, up 35% against the previous year. As more and more suppliers learn of the benefits of AGVs, this number is only expected to increase.
AGVs in multiple industries
Although AGVs are regularly used in warehouses for retail needs, they are also beneficial in other types of industries. In fact, AGVs are most widely used in automobile and power industries (59% together in 2015). For automobile industry, AGVs are primarily used in automobile assembly, engine, and transmission assembly lines, accounting for 45%. The production and manufacturing of automobiles is very consistent. These automated guided vehicle systems can complete hi tech auto tasks that might otherwise seem tedious to the human brain.
Ability for AGV improvements
When you rely on humans to work in warehouses or on assembly production lines, there is little room for improvement, at least without also improving the specific mechanical tools that they are working with. AGV parts, however, can be updated and manipulated to produce improvements. If a vehicle requires more advanced of production or design, the AGV can be updated to handle the production of these hi tech vehicles. Updates and improvements may also be made to the AGVs to increase speed, reduce error, and result in longer and more efficient work times.
The internet has drastically changed the way we do things in the world. Consumers now primarily shop for items on the internet. Retail workers may instead work in backroom warehouses, selecting items. Even the production of automobiles is done in an assembly line, with much of the work completed by automated systems. As we continue to change the way we do business in the world, we are also likely to see an improvement and increase in automated guided vehicle systems, or AGVs. The AGV is currently the most popular and most often used assembly and warehouse machine tool.