Warehouses for rent

Whether you’re looking for rv storage or just a place to stick some boxes of books you don’t have room for, choosing self-storage units can be daunting. They all pretty much look the same (at least on the surface) and pricing is competitive. In order to figure out which facility to use, you might want to consider these five basic “choosing storage unit tips.”

  • Amazing Customer Service
    It shouldn’t be too terribly difficult to figure out who you’re dealing with when you first contact a facility, even if it isn’t in person. All exchanges should be courteous and friendly, and any questions should be answered with efficiency. If you detect any sort of evasiveness or see evidence of rampant disorganization in view, move on.

  • Strong Managerial Presence
    If you’re visiting the space in person, you should be able to see the manager and get a feel for the role they play in day to day operations. Are they hiding in the office? Everybody needs a break to eat and catch their breath, but you really ought to see the manage on the floor, interacting with customer and staff, working to get the job done properly. The optimal scenario is to have a manager that lives on-site or very close by. This way you know that in the event of any sort of emergency, or should you get locked in or out due to malfunctioning gates, someone with a vested interest in within arms length.

  • So Clean, It’s Spotless
    Chances are, your ability to explore the facility before making a decision will be limited, but use what you can see as a gauge. The office should be tidy, not terribly dusty, and the floor should be free of debris. Ask to use the bathroom – that too should be tidy and fresh. And the manager should look presentable as well.

  • Pest Control
    Make sure there’s an ongoing pest control contractor that visits regularly… once a week, even.Infestations are not ‘par for the course,’ and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. Yes, they can be difficult to control once they’ve established a presence, but this is all the more reason why extermination is of paramount importance. Roaches, moths and rats top the list of damage-doing critters… but bed bugs are the most serious concern currently. Find out what the facility is doing about them.

  • A Secure Facility?
    If you wanted your things to get stolen, you could store them on the porch or in the driveway. But since you’re paying for a secure facility, make sure there’s proper security, excellent lighting, cameras/video monitoring and a well-maintained gate with limited access. See what sort of screening you have to go through to get access – are they letting just anyone in, or do you at least need to show ID a/o proof of current residence? These are all relevant concerns.
    Naturally, some of this depends on what you’ll be storing. If they’re things of questionable value to you, cost will probably be the main concern. If, however, you’re looking for rv storage or car storage, whether it be long term car storage or collector car storage, you’re going to want to make very careful choices. Particularly with regard to rv storage, you’ll want to seek out specialists.
    Find more on this topic here.

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