Headlight lens restoration

How often do you give your car a check-up? I don’t mean occasionally checking the window-wipers for insects or poking the tires before a trip to the grocery store — a car that isn’t in proper shape could put you and others at risk for accidents on the open road, even with something as seemingly negligible like a broken mirror or uneven tire rotation. Headlight lens restoration is a section of car repair that deals with headlight renewal, giving your car the tools it needs to help you see clearly and consistently no matter the time of day or night. Due to nighttime being one of the most dangerous places to drive, in spite of reduced car activity, being proactive and technologically savvy is key to staying safe no matter what. Let’s take a look.

Did You Know?

Although nighttime sees 60% less traffic on the open road, it has the distinction of more than 40% of all fatal car accidents. As such, headlight lens restoration is a must to keep your night vision clear for other drivers, crossing animals or large objects in your path. The fatal crash rate of 16 year-olds has been found to be twice as high during nighttime and states with nighttime restrictions have reported up to a 60% reduction in crashes during these restricted hours. While only 14% of the miles driven by 16 to 17 year-olds occurred between the hours of 9 p.m. and 6 a.m., this time period has accounted for 32% of all crashes in this age group.

Driving Habits And Traffic Reports

As explored above, the majority of traffic accidents occur at night instead of the day in spite of reduced driving activity. The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute released a study showing over 2,300 pedestrians killed every year in the United States due to an inability to see at night. Aging has a significant impact on the ability to discern shapes and distance during night, with a 50 year-old driver needing twice as much light to see as a 30 year-old driver. Driving can become even more difficult over the age of 60, according to continuing research conducted by the American Optometric Association.

Low Beams And High Beams

It’s important to know the difference between low beams and high beams when seeking out a headlight renewal kit. Low beams, for starters, should allow you to see up to 160 feet away. High beams, on the other hand, should illuminate at least 500 feet in front of you. Make sure you keep these distances in mind should you need to suddenly brake, as you need to use these as a unit of measurement to avoid a car crash. It’s important to know which lights to use at the time of day, to boot, as using the wrong ones can potentially distract other drivers and increase their risk of faulty driving.

Safe Habits And Proactive Behavior

Operating a vehicle is an immense responsibility. Drunk driving is still a massive epidemic in the United States, injuring and killing thousands of people every year. Calling for a responsible driver or a taxi when you or your friends are drunk is imperative to keep others safe on the road — a DUI also includes certain medications that cause drowsiness and impaired motor control. Additional factors, such as an easy-to-grip steering wheel cover and up-to-date contact lenses or prescription glasses, will go a long way in ensuring the continued safety of everyone on the road.

Restoring Your Headlights

Without headlight lens restoration your ability to decipher potential obstacles at night is significantly reduced and puts both you and other drivers at risk. DIY headlight restoration can be accomplished with a professional headlight restoration kit, though there’s no shame in checking in with your local car repair shop if you have additional concerns. Most long-life bulbs can last four times as long as a standard halogen bulb, lasting 2,000 hours at the least and 4,000 hours at the most. Lastly, keeping your lights clean of dry mud and debris is important to keep your vision unimpaired. Next time you go out for a drive, use headlight lens restoration to keep your car in tip-top shape.

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