In this video, you will learn about heavy duty towing. Driving a tow truck can make a lot of money. Chuck Chicarelli is a blue-collar millionaire.
He makes all of his money by driving a tow truck. He also expanded his business and now he supplies custom tow trucks for people and businesses. Making trucks custom to what the client needs are tough, but they can sell them for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Chuck grew up poor, and then he had to work at a young age. He was always struggling and trying to figure out how to make money. Growing up poor can put a large emphasis on someone’s work ethic. He opened his first towing company and then his first repair shop. He was constantly getting his hands dirty, day in and day out. Being a blue-collar millionaire is hard work. Most millionaires are white-collar workers. It takes a lot of hard work and determination. It also takes a lot of grit and determination. If you are interested in learning more about how to start a blue-collar towing business, keep watching this video for more information.
In this video, you will learn about heavy duty towing. Driving a tow truck can make a lot of money. Chuck Chicarelli is a blue-collar millionaire.
He makes all of his money by driving a tow truck. He also expanded his business and now he supplies custom tow trucks for people and businesses. Making trucks custom to what the client needs are tough, but they can sell them for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Chuck grew up poor, and then he had to work at a young age. He was always struggling and trying to figure out how to make money. Growing up poor can put a large emphasis on someone’s work ethic. He opened his first towing company and then his first repair shop. He was constantly getting his hands dirty, day in and day out. Being a blue-collar millionaire is hard work. Most millionaires are white-collar workers. It takes a lot of hard work and determination. It also takes a lot of grit and determination. If you are interested in learning more about how to start a blue-collar towing business, keep watching this video for more information.