Grid powered dynamic message signs

Dynamic message signs on the road are a tremendously successful way for a business to get the word out to potential customers. A billboard situated on a busy highway will be read by more than 37% of people driving by. With people spending an average of 20 hours a week driving, billboards that display a message are often seen, and very often remembered.

Message signs on the side of the road can be used for advertising as well as for warnings pertaining to upcoming traffic or even inclement weather. The driver’s eye will often be caught by a variable message sign located on the side of the road. Half of the drivers passing by will notice and benefit from the directional information it displays. In addition, variable message signs are also used to let drivers know about upcoming special events in the area. Statistics show that 68% of people will notice a billboard advertisement along the road which will influence their decision about a particular place to shop.

Billboards are seen everywhere across the country. As mentioned, they are used to inform people of local shopping malls, restaurants, and events, but they can also display addresses, telephone numbers, and website addresses for the advertised stores or businesses. The success of this type of advertising is tremendous, and has been for many years.

Because dynamic message signs are designed to attract the attention of passers by, usually passing by at high speeds, they use few words and large, colorful pictures. Advertisers want their words and pictures to be readable and memorable long after motorists have driven by. Throughout the years, different approaches have been used to draw the consumer’s eye; for instance, a picture that extends upward or sideways past the end of the sign; or, oversized letters and pictures, in brilliant, effervescent color. For example, a supermarket in the southern U.S. erected the first billboard to actually radiate a scent of charcoal and grilled steak in 2010. It displayed a fork holding a huge piece of steak that reached all the way down to the ground, and the scents would spill out of the sign at the times of day when the most traffic would be driving by.
Dynamic message signs have been used on thruways and turnpikes as a warning for people to change speed or to slow down. Travel authorities on roads where these message signs are used say most drivers will immediately adhere to the sign’s instructions. Another very successful type of message signs used on the road are grid powered dynamic message signs. These are either displayed by amber or full colored lettering informing drivers of travel indicators or tolls.

Another type of signs used to assist travelers on the road are blank out signs which are used for such information as lane changes, road closings, and changing traffic patterns. The message will illuminate when electronically prompted, and when the message is shut off, the sign blanks out. The lights used for these signs are usually LED lights and messages can be displayed by letters or symbols. Symbols can be used to indicate direction or warnings. If there is more than one message to be displayed, they can be spread out consecutively, or, if necessary, a message can be flashed on and off. Blank out signs are manufactured to tolerate any type of weather, including high winds, and are able to be easily seen at any time of the day or night.

Saving energy is a top concern these days of individuals as well as corporations. In saving energy costs, companies are often turning to solar powered variable message signs. This type of sign is high efficiency and uses low distribution of power. In addition to using solar panels, it carries with it the ability to run on battery, which makes solar powered variable message signs a highly resourceful type of advertising. These signs do not need electric cable to help in installation, which lowers installation time as well as costs, and they are almost free of any need for maintenance.

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