Why You Should Check Your Tire Rotation And Inflation As Soon As Possible


Check engine light

Do you know what your check engine light is telling you? If you’re not quite sure, it’s time to visit with your local auto repair and give your car a proverbial check-up. Just like people cars are suceptible to all sorts of minor issues and frustrations, many of which can compoud when not properly addressed over a long period of time. When you consider winter is coming up, you can expect everyone is going to get sick soon! Vehicle neglect is a frustrating issue in the United States and one that can easily be mediated by a little awareness. Below is a simple list on all the basics you should keep in mind before it starts snowing, to better keep yourself and others safe on the open road.

Tire Rotation And Brakes

Before you get to what your check engine light is telling you, let’s start off with some of the most noticeable elements of the average car — tires and brakes! Experts highly recommend checking your tire alignment every 6,000 miles or so or when you have your oil changed. After all, a lot can happen in that time! Brakes can last anywhere from 25,000 to 50,000 miles, but if you notice any strange noises you should get it checked immediately. Even the slighest delay in your brakes can put you at risk for an accident and, considering slushy streets and icy winds are about to hit, you want every positive you can get.

Tire Inflation And Treads

Checking your tire rotation and brakes is all well and good. However, those are far from the only issues you’re going to be facing over the colder months. If your tires’ tread has been worn down to less than 6/32nds of an inch, you need to go get them replaced so you don’t slip and slide while driving down the road. Under inflated tires will result in unnecessary tire stress, loss of control, irregular wear over time and even accidents if not reversed. In fact, a tire can lose as much as 50% of its air and still appear to be perfectly normal!

Winter Tires And Repair

Now for the fun part — winter tires! Regardless of whether or not you have all-wheel drive, front-wheel drive or rear-wheel drive, you need to install all four winter tires. Just one or two isn’t going to do much when your vehicle relies on all of its components working in perfect harmony. Neglecting vehicles costs the economy a stunning $2 billion every single year and little issues like not properly installing winter tires or not checking brakes can have severe consequences in the short-term.

Insurance And Savings

Last, but certainly not least, we have your car insurance to think about. When you’re trying to figure out what your check engine light is telling you, auto repair services and their costs are often the first things on your mind. Depending on your provider (and your safe driving habits) you can save as much as 5% off of your car’s insurance premium simply by equipping your vehicle with all four winter tires when the season hits. Insurance companies want to ensure good behavior, after all, so everybody wins!

Repairing Your Car

Did you know a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (shortened to NHTSA) has determined vehicles driving on under inflated tires by more than 25% are as much as three times more likely to be involved in a car crash? That’s no joke! Thankfully, inflating tires and repairing rotation is just par for the course for the average auto repair shop. If you don’t know what your check engine light is telling you, one of the seasoned engineers and repairmen can clear that up right quick. So, what are you waiting for? It’s only going to get colder from here!

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