Owning a vehicle comes with a number of responsibilities. From making sure that you get the tires rotated on a regular basis to getting the oil changed every 3,000 to 5,000 miles, there are many tasks that you need to follow if you want your car to stay running as efficiently as possible.
Both private and commercial truck repairs are more reliable, however, if you always work with the most experienced automobile mechanics. In fact, any time you need work on your car completed it is important to find the most respected and experienced car garage.
When was the last time you had your car serviced? If you cannot remember, it has probably been too long. When you work with a certified technician, you can find that they will talk to you about the different types of tires that are available.
Car and Truck Maintenance Adds to the Value and the Life of Your Automobile
When you think about a vehicle investment, you might think about the need for commercial truck repairs, but the fact is that even individual owners need to follow through on the manufacturer’s suggested maintenance schedule if you want your family car to last. Consider some of these facts and figures about the car and truck maintenance industry and the impact that it has on the economy of the nation:
- Unfortunately, there are more than $60 billion worth of car maintenance that goes unperformed every year.
- 87,032 is the number of auto repair businesses in the U.S.
- Partly because they get an oil change every 3,000 miles, the average American drives a passenger car and truck just over 10,000 miles a year.
- Including $202.28 for parts and $103.27 for labor, the total average repair cost in the U.S. is $305.55.
- Motor oil, coolant, power steering fluid, brake fluid, transmission fluid, and windshield washer fluid are the six fluids in traditional cars that require maintenance and replenishing.
- As many as 77% of cars were in need of maintenance or repairs, according to a recent survey.
Unfortunately, when many people get ready to pick out a new vehicle they are more concerned with what color they want and how many seats that they need. To make a wise purchase, however, it is important to make sure that you also pay attention to the kind of tires that a vehicle comes with, the kind of mileage that it gets, and other performance information.