Myths are those little tales the majority accepts as truth but are not. It just so happens that many of these myths exist about cars. You need to know some of the most common ones and why they’re not exactly true. Here are some common myths about cars or trucks and why they are false beliefs.
1. Larger Cars Are Safer

Some people believe large cars or trucks are safer than small ones, which isn’t necessarily true. The safety of a vehicle depends on its materials, features, and overall condition. Thus, you could purchase small cars or trucks and still have the safest vehicles possible. You could also have a car with a diesel motor that hardly ever has to go to a diesel repair shop.
Review a prospective vehicle’s safety features before deciding whether to invest in it. Pay less attention to the size and more attention to the materials it’s made of and the protective mechanisms in place to keep you safe. You’ll be safe if you do so.
2. Used Cars With High Mileage Are Not Useful
People have said for years that cars or trucks with over 100,000 miles have no value and are useless. Drivers everywhere believe they should put their vehicles out of their misery shortly after they turn the odometer over. This myth isn’t true. The majority of cars are designed to last at least 200,000 miles. Some can even last longer than that. Cars with diesel engines can sometimes go for 400,000 miles or more.
Doing everything one can to preserve the engine components is the key to getting the longest lifespan out of a car. To achieve that, a vehicle owner must perform all maintenance tasks as specified in the owner’s manual and tend to small problems immediately to prevent them from turning into huge issues.
Being gentle on the car when driving is also a good way to extend its life. With the right level of care, cars or trucks don’t have to go to the auto salvage yards after reaching 100,000 miles. They can stay with their owners and help them get from point A to point B for many years. They can also be handed down to other family members who can use them for several more years.
3. Idling Your Car is More Efficient Than Turning it Off and On
Some people believe that idling a car is more efficient than turning it off and then on. They then turn the false belief into practice whenever they need to go into a store for a few seconds or get something from inside their homes quickly. Truthfully, allowing a car to idle is less efficient than turning it off and on. For one, running a car consumes a lot of fuel, and it disappears at a much faster rate. So, sometimes, drivers return to their vehicles only to find that they’ve burned an entire quarter-tank of gas by letting the car sit and run for a half-hour.
The only time idling a car is good is when the driver wants to recharge a car battery that lost its charge. The choice to idle the car should be second to driving it around the neighborhood. Still, it’s acceptable if the driver chooses to idle the vehicle so that the alternator continues to charge the battery in a situation where it has been drained. Otherwise, idling typically provides less of a benefit and more of a burden.
Remember that before you decide to idle your car because you think it’s efficient. Also, make sure you have the number of someone who can provide you with the garage door service you need. This professional can help you keep your car safe and protected when you aren’t using it.
4. Automatic Transmission Is Less Efficient Than Manual

Another common myth you may have heard about buying a car or truck is that an automatic transmission is far less efficient than a manual one. You might have even heard that a manual transmission has fewer mechanical issues than an automatic one. Everyone from the guy next door to the local plumber has probably made such a comment to you, but it’s not in the least bit true.
Automatic transmissions have a few positive factors that make them more efficient than manual ones. For one, drivers don’t have to over-exert themselves when operating an automotive transmission. Secondly, automotive transmissions preserve fuel much more effectively than shift vehicles do. Thus, you don’t have to purchase cars or trucks with manual transmissions just because you’ve heard a myth about automatic ones. You can buy any car you believe will make you happy.
5. Premium Fuel Can Improve Any Car’s Performance
Some people believe that putting premium gas in their cars or trucks will improve their performance and make them run better. No one knows when or why this particular myth spread like wildfire. Perhaps the term ‘premium’ has something to do with it.
Of course, the myth is untrue and is a completely unwarranted belief. Premium fuel is for certain types of engines. Most of the vehicles that require it are luxury cars or vehicles that have turbo systems in them. Their owner’s manuals typically state that they must have premium fuel to run properly.
Adding premium fuel to a car that does not require it won’t make it run any better. It might even cause it to run rougher. Please remember that the next time you consider adding premium gas to your non-premium vehicle. Instead, focus on getting all of your maintenance tasks done. Changing your air filter, replacing your spark plugs, or using a gas treatment can give you the performance boost you desire. Even washing your car frequently and seeing a local auto detailer can indirectly improve your performance. It will encourage you to keep your car in amazing overall condition.
6. You Have to Change Oil Every 3,000 Miles
Another myth about cars and trucks says vehicle owners must change their motor oil every 3,000 miles or three months. After all, a car’s motor oil is its lifeline, so it makes sense to believe in changing it frequently. However, changing it every 3,000 miles is not necessary for all vehicles.
You’ll need to look at a few things before you decide how frequently to change your oil. First, you’ll read your owner’s manual to determine how frequently your manufacturer says you should change your oil. You should follow their advice to the letter since they’re the ones who built your car from scratch.
Your driving style and distance are important when determining how frequently you should change your oil. For example, you might opt to change it more frequently if you drive short distances daily and turn it on and off a lot. Likewise, you might extend your oil change time if you only use your vehicle for lengthy highway rides.
You wouldn’t go to a car window tinting company and ask them to install just any random tint. You’d compare the brands and features and match them to your vehicle’s needs. The same rule applies to your car’s lubrication. Take your time and make the choice that best suits your car and personalized driving style.
7. You Should Warm Up Your Car Before Driving in the Cold

A lot of people believe that they should allow their vehicles to sit and idle before driving them when the weather is cold. Some drivers even believe they should idle for 20 minutes or more. This myth is another one that can harm drivers instead of helping them.
Older vehicles were designed differently. They had carburetors that would make the cars idle roughly in the cold. Today’s vehicles are designed with electronic fuel injection systems, and they don’t need any assistance in helping the respective vehicles run smoothly.
30 seconds is a long enough time for a vehicle to get ready to go. In fact, tires and other parts of the suspension won’t get warmed up until the vehicle’s in motion. Aside from that, heating your car during idling might cause more good than harm. It can chip away at your vehicle’s pistons over time.
The best thing to do is trust your car’s design and start it up when you’re ready to go somewhere. Give it 30 seconds to warm up, then go where you need to. You’ll see that extra heating time is unnecessary to keep your vehicle in excellent condition.
8. You Need to Replace All Tires at the Same Time
Replacing all the tires on your cars or trucks simultaneously sounds right. Honestly, it isn’t a bad idea. However, it’s not a necessity. You can avoid having to do that by getting your tires rotated at the proper intervals, using your brake pedal wisely, and staying off of unusually rough surfaces.
You can get away with only replacing two of your tires at once, especially if you rotate them when you’re supposed to. You can even replace only one tire if you want to. Many people replace a single tire when they have a blowout or get an object stuck by the sidewall. It’s not unheard of, and it most likely won’t affect your driving experience.
Just be sure to match the single tire to the other tires and get the same speed rating you have on your other ones. Also, you should take your vehicle to a mechanic for a wheel alignment. Wheel alignments keep your tires parallel to the ground and prevent uneven wear.
This myth has now been debunked. You only need to change all four tires at once if you want to, and you have the funds to do it. Go to a tool rental company and get the necessary tools to monitor and fix your tires. Buy a pressure gauge, tread depth measurer, and the equipment necessary to remove your tire.
9. Pickup Trucks Are Best for Snow
There’s also a rumor that pickup trucks are the best cars or trucks for the snow. That isn’t entirely true. Whether you have a car or truck, it could be the best vehicle for the snow, depending on certain features and factors. For example, your vehicle might be the best for the snow if you put four snow tires on it. Your truck might be the most effective option if you had a provider put a truck wrap on it. However, you could just as easily have a car with four-wheel drive. That’s much more effective than a truck that doesn’t have it. So it’s not necessarily whether your vehicle is a car or truck that makes the difference. What’s more important is the features it has.
If you’re considering buying a car or truck, research the features that will make your vehicle the most suitable for snowy conditions. Make a list of everything you will need to have the perfect car, and then invest in a vehicle that will be effective during that time of year. Don’t pay too much attention to rumors because they usually aren’t worth much.
10. You Can Look At Your Phone On Cruise Control

With all the technological advances in cars or trucks, some people believe they can act as if their vehicles are autonomous. Cruise control is a feature that allows a driver to relax his or her foot while the car steers at a speed determined by the driver. It’s an amazing feature, but its existence doesn’t void the driver’s responsibility to keep his or her hands on the wheel.
Distracted driving incidents that lead to accidents have more serious consequences. In some cases, negligence or reckless driving charges could be added to the offenses. You’ll need to hire a reputable attorney to defend you in such a matter.
You’re mistaken if you think getting on the phone is acceptable just because you’ve activated cruise control. So, you should immediately put the myth out of your mind and ensure you stay attentive when on the road.
You’re aware of some of the most common myths about cars or trucks. Many more exist, but the previously mentioned ones are the most circulated. Remember not to believe everything you hear. Please research and discover the truth to spread to other unknown vehicle owners.